Interviews with Anthropologists about their New Books
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Interviews with Anthropologists about their New Books
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Eva Van Roekel and Fiona Murphy, "A Collection of Creative Anthropologies" (Palgrave MacMillan, 2024)
New Books in Anthropology
50 minutes
1 month ago
Eva Van Roekel and Fiona Murphy, "A Collection of Creative Anthropologies" (Palgrave MacMillan, 2024)
In this NBN episode, I am joined by anthropologists Eva van Roekel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Fiona Murphy (Dublin City University) to talk about theit edited book, A Collection of Creative Anthropologies: Drowning in Blue Light and Other Stories. This beautiful collection brings together a series of creative work of anthropologists who share the art of writing that arises from ‘ordinary’ engagement and reveals its potential for the reimagining of anthropological futures and alternative worlds. This is a collection of creative anthropology anchored in experimentality and encouragement. A book that defies imaginaries of academic convention through the cultivation of a mundus imaginalis requiring moments of pause, of introspection, and of discomfort. This centring of creativity at the heart of anthropology subtly conveys how the complex ethical and moral issues around fieldwork and anthropological theorising can be reflected on through writing otherwise, in creative spaces such as this book. A Collection of Creative Anthropologies fits the current call for radical revisions of the academic canon in anthropology, and the social sciences and humanities more broadly.
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New Books in Anthropology
Interviews with Anthropologists about their New Books
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