The podcast from the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre is where we discuss evidence and research to support good law and policy to protect people from modern slavery. We talk to researchers about evidence they uncover in their research. We want to find out what practical impact on policies, laws and practice our research can have, and in turn what impact it can have on real people’s lives.
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The podcast from the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre is where we discuss evidence and research to support good law and policy to protect people from modern slavery. We talk to researchers about evidence they uncover in their research. We want to find out what practical impact on policies, laws and practice our research can have, and in turn what impact it can have on real people’s lives.
Transformative potential of meaningful engagement of lived experience
Modern Slavery PEC podcast
1 hour 12 minutes 39 seconds
1 year ago
Transformative potential of meaningful engagement of lived experience
How can we co-create research to better align with the needs and interests of people with lived experience so that they can lead and direct it? And how can better we involve people with lived experience in the wider work addressing modern slavery?
The Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence (Modern Slavery PEC) has published research providing unique insights into the transformative potential of ethically and equitably engaging with people with lived experiences of modern slavery to enhance policies and practices.
The research, led by the University of Liverpool in close collaboration with the Modern Slavery PEC, brought together a team of six consultants from communities affected by modern slavery from four different continents to co-produce six studies to address meaningful inclusion of people with lived experience in addressing issues related to modern slavery and human trafficking in very different contexts.
In this episode of the Modern Slavery PEC podcast we're talking about this research. First, we’re talking with two researchers from the University of Liverpool about the project overall and the co-production that was at the heart of it. Then we're talking with all six regional authors of individual reports about the engagement of lived experience in their contexts.
Read more about the research on the Modern Slavery PEC website at
Modern Slavery PEC podcast
The podcast from the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre is where we discuss evidence and research to support good law and policy to protect people from modern slavery. We talk to researchers about evidence they uncover in their research. We want to find out what practical impact on policies, laws and practice our research can have, and in turn what impact it can have on real people’s lives.