With Cormac Gilligan, Director Cleantech at S&P Global Commodity Insights Renewable energy sources are on the rise, in recent years mainly thanks to photovoltaics. But various challenges are about to slow down its dynamic growth: Grid challenges, unsolved storage issues, land availability - to only name a few. At this year's Solarplaza Asset Management conference in Prague, Cormac Gilligan confronted the European solar PV industry with a tough truth: There will be a dip in growth within ...
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With Cormac Gilligan, Director Cleantech at S&P Global Commodity Insights Renewable energy sources are on the rise, in recent years mainly thanks to photovoltaics. But various challenges are about to slow down its dynamic growth: Grid challenges, unsolved storage issues, land availability - to only name a few. At this year's Solarplaza Asset Management conference in Prague, Cormac Gilligan confronted the European solar PV industry with a tough truth: There will be a dip in growth within ...
Ep.23| How Europe's Dirtiest River Emscher Was Revived
Let's Talk About the Weather
26 minutes
1 year ago
Ep.23| How Europe's Dirtiest River Emscher Was Revived
With Dr. Stephan Treuke, Coordinator River Basin Management at Emschergenossenschaft The river Emscher in Western Germany has a turbulent history. Within one century, it turned from a leisurely meandering stream to Europe’s dirtiest river and, most recently, to a restored recreation area. In this episode of OTT CAST, we discuss the history and the challenges of the double transformation that the Emscher went through. Our guest is Dr. Stephan Treuke of the Emschergenossenschaft, the organiza...
Let's Talk About the Weather
With Cormac Gilligan, Director Cleantech at S&P Global Commodity Insights Renewable energy sources are on the rise, in recent years mainly thanks to photovoltaics. But various challenges are about to slow down its dynamic growth: Grid challenges, unsolved storage issues, land availability - to only name a few. At this year's Solarplaza Asset Management conference in Prague, Cormac Gilligan confronted the European solar PV industry with a tough truth: There will be a dip in growth within ...