Ever wondered how to heal from past trauma, navigate parenting challenges, or manage life transitions? Dr. Cristie Ritz-King, a Doctor of Psychology and former Master’s Level Educator, dives deep into these questions and more. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies for healthy communication, navigating divorce, career changes, and raising emotionally sensitive children. Join Dr. Cristie on a journey of exploration and self-discovery.
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Ever wondered how to heal from past trauma, navigate parenting challenges, or manage life transitions? Dr. Cristie Ritz-King, a Doctor of Psychology and former Master’s Level Educator, dives deep into these questions and more. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies for healthy communication, navigating divorce, career changes, and raising emotionally sensitive children. Join Dr. Cristie on a journey of exploration and self-discovery.
Ever wondered how to heal from past trauma, navigate parenting challenges, or manage life transitions? Dr. Cristie Ritz-King, a Doctor of Psychology and former Master’s Level Educator, dives deep into these questions and more. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies for healthy communication, navigating divorce, career changes, and raising emotionally sensitive children. Join Dr. Cristie on a journey of exploration and self-discovery.