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Commentary and interviews on different aspects of permaculture, horticulture, farming, homesteading, eco building, alternative energy and more
Podcast 695 – Bits and Bobs with Alexandra 2 – Part 2
Homesteading and Permaculture by Paul Wheaton
1 month ago
Podcast 695 – Bits and Bobs with Alexandra 2 – Part 2
Paul gets to the end of Alexandra’s long list of topics, with the two of them discussing non-profits, how they’d apply (or not) to permies, and finishing off with a discussion on communities, Paul’s style of running them and the need for a better recipe for making new ones. Support the podcast on Patreon Show […]
Homesteading and Permaculture by Paul Wheaton
Commentary and interviews on different aspects of permaculture, horticulture, farming, homesteading, eco building, alternative energy and more