On this show we’ll be chatting with John Kandulu, from Flinders University, about the economic value of green space. John is a Senior Research Economist.He has over 15 years of experience as an applied economist, having worked across the education, not-for-profit, private and government sectors. His research focuses on formulation and assessment of policies related to natural resource and environmental management. His work involves calculating the anticipated net returns on potentia...
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On this show we’ll be chatting with John Kandulu, from Flinders University, about the economic value of green space. John is a Senior Research Economist.He has over 15 years of experience as an applied economist, having worked across the education, not-for-profit, private and government sectors. His research focuses on formulation and assessment of policies related to natural resource and environmental management. His work involves calculating the anticipated net returns on potentia...
Ep 7: w/ Jason Van Weenen | Talking grey-headed flying foxes in metro Adelaide
Green Adelaide Podcast
43 minutes
1 year ago
Ep 7: w/ Jason Van Weenen | Talking grey-headed flying foxes in metro Adelaide
On this episode we'll be chatting with SA's local bat expert and the Team Leader of Urban Biodiversity at Green Adelaide Jason Van Weenen about Adelaide's new-ish population of grey-headed flying foxes. All your flying fox questions will be answered, including why they aren't just called bats.If you are intrigued by Jason's love of iNaturalist. You can get involved today. You'll contribute to local environmental science knowledge by signing up to iNat and recording your nature observations. E...
Green Adelaide Podcast
On this show we’ll be chatting with John Kandulu, from Flinders University, about the economic value of green space. John is a Senior Research Economist.He has over 15 years of experience as an applied economist, having worked across the education, not-for-profit, private and government sectors. His research focuses on formulation and assessment of policies related to natural resource and environmental management. His work involves calculating the anticipated net returns on potentia...