All content for Equine Med On The Go is the property of Sacha Brévault et Angélique Hayot and is served directly from their servers
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Three times per week, a recently published article is summed up in 3 to 5 minutes, perfect for a quick listen in between consults.
Episode 67 – Should we adapt phenylbutazone doses for older horses?
Equine Med On The Go
3 minutes 51 seconds
1 month ago
Episode 67 – Should we adapt phenylbutazone doses for older horses?
Zaghloul IY, Bedenice D, Ceresia ML, Hermida Jones P, Sanchez-Londono A, Lobo MN, Böhlke M, Paradis MR, Comparative pharmacokinetics of phenylbutazone in healthy young-adult and geriatric horses, American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2024,
Equine Med On The Go
Three times per week, a recently published article is summed up in 3 to 5 minutes, perfect for a quick listen in between consults.