On this episode of Death by Birding, I chat about birds, art and life with nature artist Ingrid Bartkowiak and musician Monique Bartkowiak (Monique Clare music). Ingrid Bartkowiak: www.ingridbartkowiakart.com Instagram - @ingrid.b.art Monique Bartkowiak: www.moniqueclare.com Instagram - @moniqueclaremusic Use the offer code #DEATHBYBIRDING for 15% off at https://www.nocsprovisions.com.au Follow us on Instagram - https://instagram.com/death_by_birding Support on Patreon - https://ww...
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On this episode of Death by Birding, I chat about birds, art and life with nature artist Ingrid Bartkowiak and musician Monique Bartkowiak (Monique Clare music). Ingrid Bartkowiak: www.ingridbartkowiakart.com Instagram - @ingrid.b.art Monique Bartkowiak: www.moniqueclare.com Instagram - @moniqueclaremusic Use the offer code #DEATHBYBIRDING for 15% off at https://www.nocsprovisions.com.au Follow us on Instagram - https://instagram.com/death_by_birding Support on Patreon - https://ww...
20 - The Princess and the Peacock with Zach Mander
Death by Birding
1 hour 13 minutes
1 year ago
20 - The Princess and the Peacock with Zach Mander
On this episode of Death by Birding, we investigate what peacocks and royal family have in common, whether Flamingos wear makeup and what to do if you accidentally lose the first 20 minutes of your podcast episode. Featuring Zach Mander - Actor, comedian and radio host. Use the offer code #DEATHBYBIRDING for 15% off at https://www.nocsprovisions.com.auFollow us on Instagram - https://instagram.com/death_by_birdingSupport on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/DeathbyBirdinghttps://blo...
Death by Birding
On this episode of Death by Birding, I chat about birds, art and life with nature artist Ingrid Bartkowiak and musician Monique Bartkowiak (Monique Clare music). Ingrid Bartkowiak: www.ingridbartkowiakart.com Instagram - @ingrid.b.art Monique Bartkowiak: www.moniqueclare.com Instagram - @moniqueclaremusic Use the offer code #DEATHBYBIRDING for 15% off at https://www.nocsprovisions.com.au Follow us on Instagram - https://instagram.com/death_by_birding Support on Patreon - https://ww...