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Climate change is here; it's happening. Find out what that means, why scientists are so sure and what we need to do now.
The Arc of Energy Justice: A Pursuit to Ensure Affordable Reliable and Clean Energy for All
Climate Change (Audio)
52 minutes 13 seconds
3 weeks ago
The Arc of Energy Justice: A Pursuit to Ensure Affordable Reliable and Clean Energy for All
We are at a critical moment in our society. While we advance efforts to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis, across the globe, millions are experiencing issues of energy affordability, reliability and equitable access to modern energy technologies. In this program, Tony Reames, Professor of Environmental Justice at the University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability, explores the intricate intersection of energy, class, race and place, shedding light on inequities in access to and the distribution of energy resources. Reames discusses how various factors, including socio-economic conditions, policy landscapes and environmental characteristics contribute to energy inequities. The talk underscores the importance of understanding and addressing these issues in the pursuit of energy justice, emphasizing the need for inclusive scholarship, policies and funding that empower marginalized communities. Series: "UC Berkeley Graduate Lectures" [Public Affairs] [Science] [Show ID: 40223]
Climate Change (Audio)
Climate change is here; it's happening. Find out what that means, why scientists are so sure and what we need to do now.