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Climate change is here; it's happening. Find out what that means, why scientists are so sure and what we need to do now.
SOARS: An Insider’s Look at Scripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator
Climate Change (Audio)
47 minutes 17 seconds
1 year ago
SOARS: An Insider’s Look at Scripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator
Scripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator (SOARS) is a unique installation that's changing the way oceanographers study and understand processes that occur at the boundary between the ocean and the atmosphere. Join oceanographer Dale Stokes for an insider’s look at this one-of-a-kind ocean research laboratory. Learn how SOARS allows scientists to simulate varying ocean environments by controlling winds, waves and more! Series: "Jeffrey B. Graham Perspectives on Ocean Science Lecture Series" [Science] [Show ID: 38690]
Climate Change (Audio)
Climate change is here; it's happening. Find out what that means, why scientists are so sure and what we need to do now.