In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we get a chance to speak with Paul for the first time since his release from the prison in Nuuk, Greenland. We touch on his time in prison and his plans to stop Kristján Loftsson from killing more fin whales off the coast of Iceland this spring. Paul also mentions that the CPWF ship Bandero is stationed in Australia in case Japan decides to return to the Southern Ocean to kill more whales. Support the show https://w...
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In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we get a chance to speak with Paul for the first time since his release from the prison in Nuuk, Greenland. We touch on his time in prison and his plans to stop Kristján Loftsson from killing more fin whales off the coast of Iceland this spring. Paul also mentions that the CPWF ship Bandero is stationed in Australia in case Japan decides to return to the Southern Ocean to kill more whales. Support the show https://w...
In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we get a chance to speak with John Paul Dejoria crew member Dior Sheen. Dior has led a facinating life aboard ships, and she and her family have had many encounters with whales in Tonga. Join me as we get to hear some fascinating stories from Dior.Sadly today Japanese whalers have killed a male fin whale. The Kangei Maru factory ship intends to kill 59 fin whales. Please help us implore the government of...
Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast
In today's episode of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation Podcast, we get a chance to speak with Paul for the first time since his release from the prison in Nuuk, Greenland. We touch on his time in prison and his plans to stop Kristján Loftsson from killing more fin whales off the coast of Iceland this spring. Paul also mentions that the CPWF ship Bandero is stationed in Australia in case Japan decides to return to the Southern Ocean to kill more whales. Support the show https://w...