“It’s not easy being green.” - Kermit The Frog. Why are frogs important? What is putting frogs at risk?
Welcome to our first Business of Biodiversity ‘bite’. This is a short, bite-sized episode that draws you into the wild world of the Green and Golden Bell Frog. It is listed as endangered under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995.
Discover how these beautiful, endangered creatures are like fortune tellers - giving us a glimpse into the future of what’s happening in the environment. Tune in to appreciate how these frogs help humans, wildlife and ecosystems and what you can do to help them in return!
Link to FrogID app
The related Business of Biodiversity 30min Ep. 5: Frogs, bees and wallabies, beating the drum for Threatened Species Featuring Dr. Jodi Rowley
Profile of the Green and Golden Bell frog
This episode has been produced by the Grow Love Project for the NSW Government’s Saving our Species Program. For more info visit Saving Our Species Program.