It’s big. It's slimy. It’s fluorescent pink. Join us as we slip into the world of a Giant Pink Slug. Slugs don't have a great reputation and are known by many as unwanted garden guests. But they are misunderstood molluscs, which play a crucial role in our environment. In this episode, we’ll explore the benefits of slugs and learn about the 'poster boy' slug of them all - the Giant Pink Slug.
With its flamboyant colouring, these unique slugs were identified as part of a threatened ecological community that includes 11 species of snail in 2013. Tune in to discover where these slugs live and what projects are helping to protect them. Now that we have finally found these quirky slugs, we certainly don't want to lose them.
Link to Snap a Shot of this Slug.
The related Business of Biodiversity 30min Ep. 11: Threatened Connections
Link to Slug Sleuth App
Help us find the Giant Pink Slug
This episode has been produced by the Grow Love Project for the NSW Government’s Saving our Species Program. For more info visit Saving Our Species Program.